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How to use the data recording

This describes how to operate Kronometrix Data Recording package for FreeBSD, Linux, or Windows operating systems.

What you need before operation

You need to have Kronometrix Data Recording module installed and configured on your system. If you dont have Kronometrix Data Recording package installed on your system, please refer to the article “How to install data recorder”. A dedicated, non privileged user account is created during data recorders installation krmx which will be the main Kronometrix user account to operate all data recorders. 

Linux & UNIX

Please check and review the system requirements and prerequisites for Linux or FreeBSD, before starting or stopping data recorders.

Start data recorders

You can start Kronometrix data recorders as krmx user or super-user root 

  • krmx user $ /opt/kronometrix/etc/rec start

  • root user # /etc/init.d/kdr start

Stop data recorders

You can stop Kronometrix data recorders as krmx user or super-user root 

  • krmx user $ /opt/kronometrix/etc/rec stop
  • root user # /etc/init.d/kdr stop

Restart data recorders

You can restart Kronometrix data recorders as krmx user or super-user root 

  • krmx user $ /opt/kronometrix/etc/rec restart
  • root user # /etc/init.d/kdr restart


Please check README.windows to verify the system prerequisites, how to install and setup KDR on Windows operating systems.

Start data recorders

You can start Kronometrix data recorders as Administrator user

  • Administrator user:

    c:\Program Files\Kronometrix\bin>sysrec.exe -install auto
    c:\Program Files\Kronometrix\bin>cpurec.exe -install auto
    c:\Program Files\Kronometrix\bin>diskrec.exe -install auto
    c:\Program Files\Kronometrix\bin>nicrec.exe -install auto
    c:\Program Files\Kronometrix\bin>hdwrec.exe -install auto

Stop data recorders

You can start Kronometrix data recorders as Administrator user

  • Administrator user:

    c:\Program Files\Kronometrix\bin>sysrec.exe -remove
    c:\Program Files\Kronometrix\bin>cpurec.exe -remove
    c:\Program Files\Kronometrix\bin>diskrec.exe -remove
    c:\Program Files\Kronometrix\bin>nicrec.exe -remove
    c:\Program Files\Kronometrix\bin>hdwrec.exe -remove

Operation Modes

You have two options to work and use data recorders: interactively for immediate data retrieval and output or continuously for long term data collection and archiving.

Interactive Mode

Using command line interface, you can start one or many data recorders to fetch data. The data recorders are designed as simple CLI applications. For example, to run and execute one time the sysrec or hdwrec data recorders, just run as krmx user:

 $ /opt/kronometrix/bin/sysrec

 $ /opt/kronometrix/bin/hdwrec

Same way, you can run any other data recorder. If you want to use a interval, count options to run the data recorder hdwrec for two times, every 60 seconds.

 $ /opt/kronometrix/bin/hdwrec 60 2

System inventory data recorder hdwrec execution

For more information you can always call and ask the help mode option to display for every recorder all available options:

 $ /opt/kronometrix/bin/hdwrec -h

Continuous Mode

For long term data collection you can easily use the master script to start all data recorders. This way all collected data will be saved under a raw data file and you can leave or close your terminal, without losing data

$ /opt/kronometrix/etc/rec start

Updated on January 19, 2024

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